Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Carer Support Groups

Rethink Mental Illness have a Carer Support Group every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the

Canterbury Umbrella Centre
7:30pm - 9pm

and on the 1st Friday of the month at

Durham House, Herne Bay
2pm -  3:15pm

All carers are welcome.

The aim of the Support meetings is to facilitate networking of Carers in the area to encourage mutual support. Carers meet up in an informal environment and the group gives them the chance to discuss their roles and experiences within their Carer role. The Carer Groups are an effective tool in preventing isolation and promoting social inclusion.

Carer Groups provide support via publications, personal experiences and, on occasions, speakers are invited to attend to discuss a variety of areas that you may find useful within your caring role. The Carer Groups have proved to be highly effective and feedback has been very positive.

Investing in Mental Health

Social Enterprise Kent are hosting this informative seminar which will be looking at Investing in Mental Health, the theme for this year's World Mental Health Day.  Speakers include:

Peter Lake - KCC Deputy Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care
Lynn Marchant - Mindful Employment
Frances Beaumont - Dyspraxia UK.

There will also be case studies from Employment Services.

When: 10th October
Time: 9.30 until midday
Venue:Kent Enterprise House in Herne Bay
Cost: Free of Charge

To reserve your place, call 01227 844544.