Friday, February 25, 2011

Learning from Experience 2 - How are we doing?

This event is for service users and carers and is a follow up to the actions that the Kent & Medway Partnership Trust have put into place since the National Patient Survey of last year.

Tuesday 15 March, 10:30am - 3:30pm

Upstairs lounge, The Salvation Army
74-80 Union Street
Maidstone ME14 1ED

Lunch is provided. Registration is required, so for more information see the flyer here or call Maria Duran on 01227 812034.

"Spotlight on Recovery" - Canterbury & Coastal Rethink Carers Support Group

The next meeting of the Canterbury and Coastal Rethink Carers' Support Group throws a "Spotlight on Recovery" with speakers Rachel Turpin and Venetia Gibbs.

Tuesday 15 March at 7:30pm

Canterbury Umbrella Centre
St Peters Place

All mental health carers, serviceusers and professionals are very welcome to attend.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Personal Development Fund - up to £500 for service users & carers!

A reminder about the Personal Development Fund, which is intended to promote the personal development of individuals living right across Kent whose lives have been directly or indirectly affected by severe or persistent mental ill health.

The fund has been able to pay for things like conferences and training courses, travel and accommodation for such events, art materials, Reiki training, laptops, printers and so on.

A panel of service users, carers and voluntary organisations meet every three months to decide on awards. For more information, see this flyer. To apply, download an application form in either Word or PDF format.

The scheme is funded by Kent County Council and administered by Sevenoaks Area Mind.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your feedback on community mental health in Kent and Medway

Medway PCT, who lead the development of mental health services across Kent and Medway, are asking for your help in looking at how these services can be improved. They would like to ask service users and carers six simple questions about the services they are using - including what works, what doesn't work, and what are the key factors that make a good service.

This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard!

The survey can be completed very simply online here, or alternatively you can download the survey in Word or PDF format to complete and return by post or email.

Please make sure your voice is heard by Friday 18 March!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Health without Mental Health

The government have published "No health without mental health - A cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages." A news item on the Live It Well website gives details of where you can read this, and a sample of responses from relevant organisations.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Canterbury & Coastal Rethink Carers Support Group

A reminder about the ongoing work of this award-winning support group for the carers of relatives, partners or friends with a wide range of mental health problems. The group was set up nearly 40 years ago to help carers of relatives, partners and friends with a wide variety of mental health problems to access help and information and to provide comfort and support on a regular basis.

The group meets at 7.30pm on the third Tuesday of each month (except August) at the Canterbury Umbrella, St Peter’s Place, Canterbury, CT1 2DB

For more information about the group, please contact Chris and Cheryl Ives by email or call 01227 760707. You can also read the flyer here.