Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Working with Transgender people to improve health and wellbeing - followup

On Monday 13th December a workshop evening was held by representatives of both the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust and the Eastern and Coastal Kent Community Health NHS Trust. Among the attendees were NHS professionals, members of the Transgender community, representatives from GIRES (the Gender Identity Research and Education Society) and other interested private bodies. The workshop aimed to find out how to provide more and better access to support and information for Transgender people.

Many topics were discussed, and several priority areas emerged for future work. The need to provide more education regarding Transgender issues in training NHS staff was highlighted, alongside the importance of working with General Practitioners to encourage willingness to provide medical care for, and a more ethical treatment of, Transgender people. The workshop established links with individuals and organisations eager to participate and take the agenda forward.

All feedback from both the participants and facilitators was very positive and when asked for their thoughts of the evening, one participant remarked “I am so happy to see that there are people within the NHS committed to improving the experience Transgendered people encounter”.

A working group will be formed and another meeting will be held in January 2011.

For more information, please contact either Sheree Bell, Community Engagement Officer for the Kent and Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust, or Adam Lott, Equality and Diversity Manager for Eastern and Coastal Kent Community Health NHS Trust.

EKUF Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community Support Group

The East Kent User Forum's Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community Support Group is a self-help group meeting on a monthly basis, offering a warm and friendly atmosphere to talk about lifestyles, hardships, joys, intimacies, and anything else!

Read more and see the schedule for January - June 2011 here.

East Kent User Forum campaign against proposed cuts to benefits

The EKUF have launched a vigorous campaign to voice the concern and stress felt by those on mental health related benefits who feel threatened by the cuts proposed in the recent Comprehensive Spending Review.

Read more about the campaign here, and take part in an anonymous survey here.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mental Health Commissioning and Contracting Team - Christmas 2010 newsletter

Kent County Council's Mental Health Commissioning and Contracting Team have published their latest newsletter. Amongst the many interesting items is a brief article introducing myself, Brian Pugsley, as the new Live It Well webmaster, and a report on the opening of the Live It Well centre in Ashford.

KMPT Community Engagement Workshops

The Kent and Medway Partnership Trust are holding a series of workshops as part of their search for an improved approach to accessing expertise within the community and the development of a Community Engagement Strategy. Local people, particularly those that use KMPT services, will be vital to the success of this strategy. Anyone interested in becoming involved is invited to attend one of the workshops.

The workshop in Canterbury is on Thursday 16 December, 10am-2pm (lunch provided), at

Main Hall
St Martin's Hospital 
Littlebourne Road

Further information can be seen on the KMPT website, where you can also download a workshop booking form.

A Woman's View - exploring mental health experience through an artists eye

This free one day event will take place at

Tonbridge Baptist Church
Darenth Avenue
TN10 3HZ

on Monday 10 January 2011, 10am-3pm (lunch provided)

A day for women to discuss, share and learn from each others experiences, giving women a voice and influencing support services. Using art work especially produced for this event to stimulate discussion, the workshop will focus on the theme of "The 3 phases of womanhood" (18-35, 35-60, 60+).

The event is promoted by the Kent and Medway Partnership Trust. To find out more, see this flyer or call Sheree Bell, Community Engagement Officer at KMPT on 07949 037401. To register and obtain a booking form please email or call the Equalities Team on 01732 523347.