Thursday, September 30, 2010

GP commissioning

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has written to GPs to clarify the implications for GP commissioning in the July white paper on health.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What do we in Kent think about the planned changes to the NHS?

In their recent white paper, Liberating the NHS, the Government have set out their plans for improving the NHS. They are interested to hear from members of the public about how these plans should be carried out.

The Kent LINk (Local Involvement Network) has produced this summary of the biggest changes and would like to hear what you think about them. You can give your views by answering the questions in this online survey.

The Kent LINk will then put all the views together and give a combined response to the Department of Health on behalf of the people of Kent.

Or, if you prefer, you can go to the Department of Health website to see the full white paper and give your feedback directly. The deadline for giving your feedback to Kent LINk is Wednesday 22nd September.

The Care Quality Commission publishes the views of 17,000 community mental health service users

This substantial survey has recently been published, and a short extract from the press release is shown below. Read the full report here, or the entire press release here.

Some people who use community mental health services in England are still not getting the care and support that fully meets their needs, according to a survey published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) today (Tuesday 14 September).

The CQC survey captures the views of more than 17,000 people aged 16 and over who had contact with specialist community mental health services between July and September last year. They had been referred to a psychiatric outpatient clinic, local community mental health team or other community-based service. The survey covered 66 NHS trusts.

People were generally very positive about the health and social care workers they had seen most recently for their mental health condition. The vast majority said workers listened carefully to them, gave them enough time for discussion and took their views into account. Also, most people said they were treated with respect and dignity and had trust and confidence in their health or social care worker.

But many reported that they had not been involved as much as they would have liked in some aspects of their care. Significant numbers of people said they would have liked more explanation of, or more say in, their treatment and support, such as their medication or care planning. Nearly half of those surveyed did not know who to contact in a crisis outside normal office hours. Of those who said they wanted some form of talking therapy, 73% had received it but 27% had not.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Chaucer Homecare AGN

Chaucer Homecare announce their Annual General meeting, to take place at 7pm on Monday October 4th at

Northgate Ward Community Centre
Military Road

All are welcome, and light refreshments are available.